Sound Healing

Mary Electra, Tonal Alchemist’s Sound & Spiritual Healing

None of the below healing options are better than the other, they are all powerful and can serve you Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually. Since you have been guided to this site, you are probably not here by chance. Therefore whichever service resonates with you, is the one that will best serve you.

Always listen to your heart…

Mary Electra, Tonal Alchemist

Private “Intentional” Meditation with Sound Healing - $30

What is the power of SOUND? It is different for each person. As the vibrations address the individual needs of each person receiving it. How does that happen… there is a resonate frequency for each organ or tissue and for that matter each strand of DNA in your body. When it is out of harmony, dis-ease occurs and often we experience illness, depression, anxiety as well as a multitude of other things as a result.
When you receive the sound it re-balances your resonate frequency; and in the case of tumors and growths, breaks them apart allowing the body to move back into its natural harmony. This is seen in the Emoto photos which are the result of Mary’s Sound infusion, which depicts the process visually (see bottom of the HOME Page). I cannot stress enough when healing is taking place, I am not in control of the results. I turn the healing over to the higher powers, and know that the highest and best interest of the individual is always being served – and the proper results occur.
I have combined the sound healing with meditation so I can work with each individual to focus the intention of the healing to benefit their highest needs.

Private Sound Healing with Spiritual Reading - $50

For those who are interested in delving deeper into your physical, emotional and spiritual process I have incorporated doing Spiritual Tarot Readings with Sound. This allows people to get a clearer picture of the blocks that may be standing in the way of their day-to-day spiritual process, or a more defined idea of the doorways that are available to them for moving forward in their life with greater ease and grace.

Private Sound Healing with Meditation and Spiritual Reading - $75

This is my deluxe package. To bring even more focus to our session, we begin with a Spiritual Tarot Reading, which gives us an overview of the issues you are experiencing in the present moment through the guidance of the tarot. The tarot’s symbolism and divination ability help to identify your present time, personal needs.
Once we’ve completed the reading I lead you through a divinely inspired meditation to bring a deeper awareness to the present issues; it allows the body to move beyond the “mind-talk” and wounding of the ego to delve into a deeper place for healing. The meditation opens the mind and body to be in a more receptive place to receive the Sound Healing which in turns works with you through vibrational frequencies to bring you back into a place of harmony – so you can continue your Soul Journey.


I first met Mary, when I attended her Sound Clinic at Firefly Willows in Los Altos, California with a quarter sized lump and pain in my breast. Within 48 hours after the session, the lump and pain disappeared spontaneously and a subsequent doctor’s appointment and mammogram a few days later showed completely clear test results and NO lump! I believe Mary’s gift and connection to spirit, along with additional energy and healing intent from the group, helped me achieve my strong intent to bring my body back to health and wholeness. I would recommend anyone with an open mind and an intent to heal or grow to connect with Mary.  — Michelle